Medicinal Uses of Native Plants: San Diego Region
Sambucus Nigra (Blue Elderberry, Black Elderberry, American Elderberry)
This is a shrub or small tree that prefers sunny locations in a moist environment
Parts used: Flowers and berries
• Hot tea made from flowers promotes sweating
• Excellent for colds, fever, infections such as eye infections, sore throats, tonsillitis
• When drank as a cold tea, it is a diuretic
• Nourishing and slow acting; supports liver function which is gently tonified
• Useful for breaking up mucous and eliminating excess phlegm from the nose or lungs
• Anti-spasmodic; helpful in asthma, and for dry, irritated coughs
• Decreases congestion in the sinuses, but should not be used long term (more than 3 months)
• High in Vitamin C and Anthocyanidins
• Used as a treatment in joint disease; Anthocyanidins decrease joint pain by decreasing inflammation and are also anti-inflammatory
• Protects collagen from being destroyed
• Excellent for colds and coughs due to high source of Vitamin C
• Vitamin C potentiates effects of other antioxidants on collagen.
Leaves, Roots and bark:
• Unsafe to eat, but can be used topically for; hemorrhoids, eczema, boils, splinters, abscesses, sore joints, bruises, sprains
• Flowers: Tea: mix 2-4 tablespoons of flowers/ cup of water. Drink 1 cup 3x/day
• Berries: Juice: Cover fresh berries with water and boil for 3 minutes, then press the juice. Add 1 part honey to 10 parts of juice and boil the combination for 10 minutes to preserve the juice. Drink 1 glass with hot water 2x/day.
Eriodictyon Californica (Yerba santa)
This is a low shrubby evergreen plant that grows in California, Oregon and Mexico
Parts used: Leaves
• Contains flavonoids and resins
• Used for chronic, persistent, hacking coughs that are productive
• Resins in the leaves soothes the lungs and promotes expectoration of mucous at the same time
• Often used for chronic lung issues such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis
• Acts as a lung tonic
• Flavonoids in the leaves are anti-inflammatory
• Typically used as a tincture, 1:5 strength; 2-4 mL 3x/day
Oenothera Biennis (Evening primrose)
This is a biennial plant that grows 2-5 feet high. The flowers are pale-yellow and bloom at night, for one day only. The flowers contain numerous seeds.
Parts used: Oil from the seed, Historically leaves
• Oil extracted from seeds contain a high amount of GLA; Gamma-Linoleic acid; an Omega 6 fatty acid
• Supports female hormonal cycle and decreases PMS symptoms including mood changes, breast tenderness, bloating and digestive distress
• Has anti-inflammatory effects
• Effective for eczema and can be used in children or adults
• Leaves have been used historically by herbal medicine doctors, but these uses have not been proven or disproven by research.
Oil: 250-750 mg/ day
Equisteum spp. (Common Horsetail)
In the spring, this plant produces stems with brown cones on the end containing spores.
Parts used: Entire plant
• Entire plant is used as a diuretic and connective tissue tonifier.
• Contains silica, that supports strength of bones and teeth
• Effective as a diuretic to decrease swollen feet and ankles, but should not be used if there is any compromised heart or kidney function
• Silica stabilizes collagen and supports connective tissue, but should not be used more than 1 month, after which periodic breaks are important
• Has an affinity for the pelvic region, therefore helpful in recurrent bladder infections and bladder prolapse.
• Concentrates minerals from the soil, so the locale where it is grown and soil quality is important
• Young shoots contain a nutritious sap that is anti-inflammatory and anti-septic. North American Indians used this sap for inflamed or tired eyes and by applying it directly to the eyes.
• Older plants harvested in late summer or fall should not be used as they are too high in Silica
Herbal Tea: 2-4 teaspoons/ cup of water; boil roots and stems for 5 minutes, then infuse leaves and cones for 15 minutes; strain and drink 1 cup 2-3x/day
Tincture (1:5): take 5 ml 2-3 x/day, not to exceed 100 ml in a week.